In Accelerus, school comment banks may be set up and assigned to subjects so that they are available to teachers of the subject when assessing their students.
In a subject record, the Comment Banks tab displays the comment banks that have been assigned to a particular subject.
It also allows comment banks to be assigned to the subject.
There are two methods of assigning comment banks and you would use one method over an other in the following circumstances:
• | If multiple comment banks need to be assigned to a particular subject, you would do so via the subject's window, as covered here. |
Comment banks may be assigned to subjects by those with a subject role when in the Accelerus database, as well as by Accelerus administrators and other school level roles with the appropriate permissions.
Because these users have different access to parts of Accelerus, the steps they follow vary a little.
• | If you are an Accelerus administrator, go to Explore and select Subjects, opening the subject from therein. |
• | If you have a subject role: |
➢ | Click the subject you want to open from the Welcome Screen. |
➢ | It opens in its results view from where you click its Open subject details icon, in the top right corner. |
• | Click the Comment Banks tab of the subject window, displaying Assigned and Unassigned panes. |
• | Assign the comment banks: |
➢ | Enter search criteria in the search fields in the Unassigned pane to select particular comment banks. |
➢ | Select the comment banks required, using the standard selection methods, eg Ctrl and Shift, or click the top left cell to select all. |
➢ | Hold down your left mouse button over the selected comment banks, drag them to the Assigned pane and release your mouse button. |
As shown here, three comment banks have been assigned to this subject, four remaining unassigned.
• | The same drag and drop procedure may be followed to move comment banks from the Assigned back to the Unassigned pane. |
• | Click the Save icon or press Ctrl S to save the assignment of the comment banks to the open subject. |
You may open any school comment bank from the Comment Banks tab of the subject window. Simply click on a comment bank, whether in the Assigned or Unassigned panes, and then click the appropriate Open Comment Bank icon.