Tabbed Windows

Accelerus Icon

Every record or process you open in Accelerus opens in its own tabbed window. You may have as many windows as you wish open at the same time in Accelerus, with each window's tab appearing along the top of the Accelerus screen.


minusWindow tabs and titles

You should note the following general information about tabbed windows in Accelerus:

The title bar of each tabbed window is colour-coded so that each entity type is a different colour, making them easier to identify.

UI TabbedFeatures

In the top right of the title bar is the academic cycles to which the window belongs or was opened, as well as the school's name.
The title bar and tab of each window informs you of the type of record or the window's function, plus summary details of the particular record, eg Subject 05AR Art.
Where a window is open but not visible, and its name is truncated in its tab, hover over the tab to display a tooltip with the full details.

UI TabbedTooltip


minusClosing tabbed windows

You may close any tabbed window in any of the following ways:

Clicking the close tab icon in its tab.

UI DataCloseTab

Clicking the File menu and selecting Close.
Pressing Ctrl F4.
Right clicking over the tab and selecting from one of the close options.

This menu is particularly useful when you have multiple windows open and want to close them all at once, or want to close all but the window you are currently working on.

UI DataCloseTabMenu


minusArranging and moving between windows

There are several processes available in Accelerus to allow you to re-arrange and move between open tabbed windows.


You may move between the tabbed windows when you have more than one open:

To make a particular window the active one, simply click its tab and that window will come to the fore.
Where you have more tabbed windows open than screen room allows:
Click the Active Windows icon at the far right of all of the tabs.

UI TabbedActiveWindowsIcon

From the list of tabbed windows that appears, click the one you want to bring to the fore.

UI TabbedActiveWindows



Ctrl Tab is a keyboard shortcut that allows you to move between the tabs of a particular window, when they have focus, or from one tabbed window to the next.

Where you may tab between windows, Ctrl Tab brings up a list of the open tabbed windows. With the Ctrl key pressed, you can tab through the list of windows or use the up or down arrows. Release the Ctrl key when positioned over the window you want to bring to the fore.


You may change the order or relative position of the open tabbed windows:

Click the tab of the window you want to reorder.
While holding down the left mouse button, drag the tab to the required position.
Release the mouse button and the window will be in its new position.


The way tabbed windows are arranged on the screen may be customised so that you may view multiple tabbed windows at once. For example, you may want to view a student's results for two cycles side by side in their respective tabbed windows, or work on the results for two classes simultaneously.

As shown in the example below, in addition to Quick Find, there are three docked sets of windows arranged on the screen. Each set's relative size may be changed by clicking and dragging the space between each set.

UI TabbedDocked3


The tabbed windows are arranged, as required, via a docking tool that works as follows:

Click and hold down the mouse button over the tab of a particular window.
Drag the window towards the middle of the screen and a docking target will appear, made up of an inner circle and four directional arrow sections.
Continue dragging your mouse to the target and hover over one of the four arrows. As you hover over each arrow, the position into which the window will be moved will be highlighted.

UI TabbedDockingTool

As shown above, the bottom half of the screen is highlighted so that the window for subject 05AR will take up the bottom half of the tabbed window section, ie there will be two tabbed windows visible, each taking up half of the screen, horizontally.

Release the mouse on the desired location.
Continue arranging other tabbed windows as desired.
To move a tabbed window back to the default tabbed view:
Drag the tab as above over the inner circle of the target.
Release the mouse button.

UI TabbedUndock


Select Reset Layout from the Window menu.

This will return Quick Find, if it had been hidden or pinned, and all open tabbed windows are returned to the default single tabbed window layout, with the Welcome Screen to the fore.

UI ResetLayout


Close all windows or all but one tabbed window, which may be easily done by right clicking over a tab and selecting an appropriate Close option

UI TabbedDockedCloseAll



minusOpening windows from multiple cycles

Records from multiple academic cycles may be viewed simultaneously in Accelerus. For example, it is possible to view Year 7 English from this year, last year and two years ago in three different tabbed windows simultaneously.

In order to do so, select the required academic cycle in the Academic Cycle Selector before opening a tabbed window. Any windows opened from then will belong to the newly-selected academic cycles and the Quick Find pane will reflect the available records in the new academic cycle selection. The Welcome Screen is also refreshed to display the current cycles’ information.

Any windows that were open prior to changing academic cycles remain open, displaying their data from the previous academic cycle. In this way, for example, you may have a student's record for last year displayed next to the same student's record in the current year.

When windows from multiple cycles are open simultaneously, the relevant academic cycles will appear in the tab of the windows. The tabs of windows from different cycles will be colour-coded, to make identification of the windows easier. As shown here tabbed windows are open for three lots of academic cycles.

Also, as seen here, the active windows menu arranges the open windows by academic cycle.

UI TabbedActiveMultiCycles

Once a tabbed window is opened, opening further records from within it opens them in the same academic cycle as the parent window, even if the currently selected academic cycle is different. For example, if you have a 2011 Semester 1 class open and double click on a student in the enrolments table of that class, the student record will reflect 2011 Semester 1 data, regardless of what academic cycles are displayed in the Academic Cycles Selector.


minusOpening windows from within a window

Being a relational database, records within Accelerus are linked - teachers have classes which have students enrolled in them, and so on.

There are several features that are common to Accelerus windows, record windows in particular, that allow users to easily navigate from one window to another.


Many windows in Accelerus contain multiple tabs of data within them, containing different types of information about the record. For example, if you open a subject record, you will find five tabs of data.

UI TabbedTableTabs

Generally, these tabs contain tables of data. Often the data in the tables is linked to other database records that may be opened in their own window. For example, from the Classes tab of a subject window, you may directly open two windows for each class displayed in the table - the details and results windows for each.

UI TabbedTableMenu

In most cases, where linked records are displayed in a table you may:

Double click a row in the table to open a tabbed window for that particular record.

Note that, where the table is able to be edited directly, ie is not a display-only table, a row cannot be Double clicked to be opened.


Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking rows to select multiple individual rows.


Select a contiguous group of records by clicking the first record and then holding down the Shift key while clicking the last record required.


Select all records by clicking in the top left-hand cell of the table, as seen here, or press Ctrl A.

UI TabbedTableSelectAll

Once you have highlighted a single row or multiple rows:
Right click and select the Open option in the menu.


Click the Open icon in the window's tool bar at the bottom left of the window.


There are two views with class, student, subject and report run windows, with a shortcut icon allowing you to switch between views found in the top right-hand corner of the particular window. The two views are:

In the case of the student, subject and class records, you may opt to open a record’s details window or its results window.

An icon in the top right corner of these windows will take you to the record's other window, ie if you are in a class details window, the icon will open the class results window.

Two tabbed windows will then be open for the one record, eg the details and results windows for a class record.

UI TabbedLinkedClassIcon

You may switch between the preparation and the printing of a report run when you have one of the two report run windows open.


In addition to the icons that allow you to switch between the views of these four entity types, the Quick Find pane allows you to open these records in either of these views as follows:

Highlight individual or multiple records of these entity types in Quick Find:
Right click and select which view you want to open.
Click the appropriate icon in the bottom of the Quick Find window. types therein.

UI TabbedLinkedQuickFindMenu



When you open a subject or class from the Welcome Screen, its results window will always open.

On the other hand, where you have access to Quick Find, double clicking a subject or class record in Quick Find will open its details window. The default when double clicking a student from Quick Find is the student's details window. In the case of report runs, the Prepare Report Run window opens by default.


In many of the entity tabbed windows, a blue arrow appears in various fields.

This indicates that you may open the linked record in its own tabbed window.

In the example class window, seen below, you may click the arrow for the class teacher to go directly to that teacher's record.

UI TabbedLinkedArrow



minusHiding and resizing

Many of the windows in Accelerus are made up of different sections or panes. In order that you may display as much as possible of the section you are working on, many of the windows:

Have a button that allows you to hide the record’s detail fields, found in the top half of most of the entity windows.

Reclicking the button will redisplay the fields.

UI TabbedHideButton

Are made up of different panes with dividers between them. These allow the particular sections of a window to be resized by holding down the mouse button and dragging.

UI TabbedResizer

Panes that may be hidden or viewed, as required.

This is particularly useful in the various results windows whereby a pane with the student’s photo, if one is available, and details of the particular assessment item can be viewed or hidden.

Clicking the divider will hide or reveal the particular pane.

UI TabbedHidePanel