In the Tools menu there are two important options, bringing up the School Settings and Security windows.
These two windows are used extensively by the Accelerus administrator when a school is first setting up their Accelerus database:
• | The School Settings window allows a series of database parameters fundamental to the operation of Accelerus to be set up: |
➢ | The cohort types that are used by the school such as year level, home group. |
➢ | Assessment item tags that are used to group together assessment items that have something in common, eg belong to a particular report run. |
➢ | The subject levels that are applicable at the school, eg 7, 8, 9 ..., Prep, 1, 2, 3 ... |
➢ | The addition of student custom properties to hold data about students beyond the standard, available fields, eg aboriginal status, number of reports needing to be printed, etc. |
➢ | A series of comment settings that apply when teachers are entering, selecting or checking comments for students in their classes |
In addition, this window contains options that affect the operation of Accelerus, determining what is or is not visible, or what teachers may or may not do, including:
➢ | Which academic cycles are selected by default when Accelerus is run, via the setting of the default system date. |
➢ | Synchroniser options, including which cycles' classes are included in teacher's offline files, though the setting of synchroniser start and end dates. |
➢ | Login settings for the Accelerus database and offline files, to enable automatic login to the last used data source and integration with Active Directory. |
For each role defined, the permissions are set, determining the extent of data that may be seen and/or modified by each role.
When a teacher logs in, what is available to them in Accelerus will be determined by the roles they have been assigned and the permissions assigned to these roles.For example, a teacher who has a subject role may be allowed to create school comment banks and assign these to their subjects and/or add or modify the assessment items in the subjects they are assigned to.