Steps to Import CSV Files

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Below are the general steps to follow to import CSV files of data into Accelerus.

These are not the steps to use for the following imports, all of which have their own, separate procedures:

Student photos
Graphic functions
Comment banks



Schools in the Victorian and Catholic sectors should follow the steps to import a Student Details XML file for students up to and including Year 10, or an Absence XML file for their attendance data.


The steps are:

Ensure you have backed up your database and prepared your CSV files in the correct format, conforming to the field specifications for each type of entity, and all other prerequisite steps have been completed.
Select the academic cycles into which you are importing data.
Go File > Import > CSV Files to open the Import CSV Files window.
Click the option button for the type of import you want to undertake, ensuring that you import your data in the correct order.

CSV ImportStep1

If importing a student CSV file, start and end date fields appear and, if required:
Click the checkbox to set the start date for any new students found in the file, entering or selecting the date.
If the file you are importing contains a full and current list of students:
®Click the checkbox to set as end date for any students not found in the file.
®Check the box to withdraw the students who have left from any classes in the current academic cycles.

CSV ImportStep2

If importing a subject CSV file:
If your subjects belong to more than one cycle of the current selected, ensure you have a separate CSV file for each cycle's subjects.

For example, if you the currently selected cycles are Sem2, 2011, subjects could potentially belong to either Sem2 or 2011. If some belong to one and the rest to the other cycle, you need two CSV files of subjects.

Select the Academic Cycle to which the subjects being imported are to be assigned.

CSV ImportStep3

In the Filename field:
Enter the full path and name of the CSV file containing the data.


Click the Browse button to select the required file from the Select window that is displayed.


Accept the default file, if displayed, this being the last imported CSV file for the import type.

CSV ImportStep4

Click the Preprocess button and wait while the preprocess phase compares the data in the CSV file with that in the database.

CSV ImportStep5

In the preprocess pane:
Carefully check the issues, errors and warnings that are reported, clicking open the issue headers to check the details of the individual records.

CSV ImportStep6

Check for any potential duplications of student or teacher codes, when importing either of these entities.
Pay particular attention to enrolment issues, including those that may include moving, withdrawing and/or re-enrolling students as part of the import of enrolments.
If required, for any issue heading, in the Action field, click the dropdown arrow to choose another option to the default, to apply to all records under that header.


Change the action for any individual record listed, in which case the action for the heading's action will change to Individually Specified.

CSV ImportStep7


Errors that prevent the data from being imported must be fixed in the CSV file and the preprocess phase rerun. In fact, it is highly recommended that all reported issues are fixed in the CSV file rather than select many different actions as a means to fixing the data. The exception to this is the actions where there are multiple valid possibilities, as in the enrolment options, where you need to inform the import process of your required action. Even for these, however, it may be best to fix any anomalies manually, using the enrolment facilities in the student window or in the class window.

If you want a print out of particular issues, eg to check out or fix any anomalies or unexpected issues:
®Close any issue headings you don't need details of.
®Open the issue headings whose details you want to print.
®Click the Print button.
®From the Preview window, print the listing.

CSV ImportStep8

If there are errors, return to the CSV file and fix the problems therein, before coming back to the Import CSV Files window and preprocessing the file again.
Continue preprocessing and fixing data in the CSV file until the data can be imported without problems.


Do not proceed with the import unless you have fixed all errors and know exactly why different issues arose. If you proceed, the errors are likely to be compounded as you import further CSV files. For example, errors in the teacher file may impinge on all other imports, those in a subject file on classes and enrolments, and so forth.

Click the Import button.

CSV ImportStep9

Wait while the data is imported, clicking OK at the completion message.

CSV ImportStep10