CSV Import File Formats

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When importing data into Accelerus via CSV files there are several protocols that must be followed in order that your data is imported correctly. These include:

All mandatory fields must be imported.
Where a field is not mandatory, as indicated by [ ] around it in the table below, and it is not used by your school, do not include a column for it.
A header row is required, with the headings matching with those stipulated below.
The data must conform to the field specifications for each field, eg maximum length, type of data, etc.
The CSV files should be imported in the order presented below in order that data relied upon by one entity already exists in the database, eg teachers must be imported before you can import home groups which rely on the teacher codes.


The table below contains a list of all of the entities in Accelerus that may be imported, together with the fields of data that may be imported, and the heading name required.

In referring to this this table, you should note:

Square brackets, ie [ ], around a field indicate that it is optional.
Where ¬ is found, multiple columns may be required, where multiple roles or groups have been defined, eg Teacher 1 and Teacher 2 in a class record.


Entity / Field

Heading required


Teacher Code

Code or Teacher Code

Teacher Family name

Family Name

Teacher Given name

Given Name

[Teacher Preferred name]

Preferred Name

[Teacher Gender]




[End Date]

End Date

[Start Date]

Start Date



[Domain User Name]

Domain User Name

Cohorts – one file for each cohort type defined

Cohort Code


Cohort Name


[Cohort role]¬
(eg Coordinator, etc)

One column for each cohort role, using as the heading the role specified in Tools > Security > Cohort Roles > Code or Name field.

For example, if you have created a role coded YRCO for Year Coordinator, use either the code or name as the column heading.

Where you have created two home group teacher roles for this home group cohort, you would have two columns, one for HGT1 and one for HGT2, however named or coded.


Student Code


Student Family name

Family Name

Student Given name

Given Name

Student Preferred name

Preferred Name

Student Gender


[Start Date]

Start Date

[End Date]

End Date

[Student Cohort group membership code]¬
(eg year level, home group, etc)

One column for each cohort group, using as the heading the cohort code or name field specified in Tools > School Settings > Cohort Types.

For example, if you have a Year Level and a Home Group cohort defined, you require two columns, each with the appropriate cohort code or name.

[Student Custom Property]¬

Custom property name, as specified in Tools > School Settings > Student Properties > Code or Name field.

One column per custom property being imported.


Subject Code


Subject Name


Subject Level

Subject Level

[Subject Description]


[Subject Role]¬
(eg Coordinator, etc)

One column for each subject role, using as the heading the role specified in Tools > Security > Subject Roles > Code or Name field.

For example, if you defined a subject role of Learning Area Head, coded LAH, then either this name or code could be used as the column heading.

[Report Template Slot]

Report Template Slot


Class Code

Class Code

Subject Code

Subject Code

Class Name

Class Name

Note that although the class name is a mandatory field, if missing from the CSV file, the import process will automatically insert the name of the subject to which the class belongs. Therefore, if your class names and subject names are identical, this can be treated as an optional field.

[Class Description]

Class Description

[Class role]¬
(eg Class teacher, etc)

One column for each class role, using as the heading the role specified in Tools > Security > Class Roles > Code or Name field.

For example, if you have allowed for two teachers to a class, you would have two class role columns, eg TCH1 and TCH2.


Student Code

Student Code

Class Codes¬

In the second column of the CSV file only, the heading Class Codes is required.

There may be multiple columns of classes per student, or each row may be a single student/class enrolment, with multiple rows per student.

Either way, only one column heading is required, in the first of the class code columns and this must be Class Codes.

Assessment Items

Subject Code

Subject Code

Assessment Item Code

Assessment Item Code

Marking Scheme Code

Marking Scheme Code



[Long Description]

Long Description




Lock State which can be Locked/Unlocked, Yes/No, True/False. Also, blank means unlocked.


Restricted, which can be Restricted/Available, Yes/No, True/False, with blank meaning available.

[Tag List]

Tag List, which should be a comma-separated list in the one column, if more than one tag.

Results – format 1

Student Code

Student Code

Class Code

Class Code

Assessment Item Code

Assessment Item Code



Results – format 2

Student Code

Student Code

Class Code

Class Code


The actual assessment item code. For example, if you are importing results for an assessment item coded AT1, then the heading will be AT1 and in each result row, the actual result for AT1 is added.

Comment banks







Bulk code change

Old Code

Old Code

New Code

New Code