Entity Code Management

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The coding systems you use in your Accelerus database are important as codes uniquely identify the records in the database.

Codes also have other uses in that they allow like records to be easily group together, for purposes of identification, easier set up and analysis of results data, etc.

Consistent, logical coding systems for all of the database entities is good database practice.

There may be times where codes need to be changed:

At the individual level, eg a teacher changes their name and, as a result, their teacher code changes also.
Where codes have not been set up as well as they could have been.
Where a school is changing the way it is structuring its cycles and, as a result, its subjects and classes need to be recoded.

At the individual level, codes are changed directly in the applicable record, eg in the Teacher window for the particular teacher.

However, where codes need to be changed more extensively, the Bulk Code Change window may be used, accessed from the Tools menu. It allows a CSV file containing the changed codes to be imported to update records in bulk.


Ent BulkCodeWindowNumbers


The Bulk Code Change window contains many of the features of the Import CSV Files window:





Ensure that you are in the correct academic cycles when changing entity codes - check the top right corner of the title bar.

Most of the data in Accelerus belongs to a particular academic cycle and you may change the codes for the wrong data if the wrong cycles are selected. If the wrong academic cycles are displayed, close the Bulk Code Change window, select the correct cycles in the Academic Cycle Selector and reopen the window.


Only one type of entity may be updated at once, and an option button appears for each entity type that can be updated in bulk using this window.

In the case of cohort entities, there will be a button for each type that has been defined in the School Settings window, eg one for Year Level and one for Home Group.


The path and name of the CSV file that contains the changed codes for the selected type is either entered manually, or you may click the Browse icon at the end of the Filename field to select it.


The Preprocess button will run a process which compares the data in the CSV file with that in the database, and informs you of the impact of the code change on your database prior to actually committing the changes. Issues, errors and warnings are reported back, and displayed in the pane below.

Corrections may be made to the CSV file being imported and the Preprocess button clicked again to refresh the listed issues.


The Preprocess pane lists all of the issues, errors and warnings under broad types or headings, eg records that will have their codes changed, records not found in the database, etc.

To begin with, only the issue headings are displayed. Users may double click a heading, or click the arrowhead to its left, to display the details of the records to which the issue applies. Double clicking again will hide the details.

In many cases, the details for an issue do not need to be revealed, eg 39 subjects' codes vary, as shown above. These are the codes that will be changed successfully.

However, in others it is very important that all of the issues are read carefully and the individual lines to which the issue pertains are checked thoroughly. By revealing the details of an issue, you may investigate further and take steps to remedy any problems, if necessary.

If any issues are raised that you do not expect, it is recommended that you cancel out of the bulk update of codes and investigate these further. This may mean that you will need to make changes to the CSV file and then rerun the preprocess step.


For each issue type, there is a dropdown action box. A default action will be displayed, eg Change all subjects' codes, or Ignore where no action can or needs to be taken. In most cases, alternative actions are available for selection from the dropdown list.

You may also change the action for an individual record, when the details are displayed. In this case, the heading's action will automatically change to Individually Specified.


The Print button allows you to preview and print out a copy of all issues and selected details, if you need to investigate further. The printout will only include the individual details of the issue rows that are currently open. Where an issue is contracted, only the issue header will be printed and not its details.


When all issues have been investigated and corrected, where necessary, clicking the Import button will import the CSV files into the database, changing the codes of the records nominated in the preprocess pane.



minusEntity coding systems

In a school, the school's administration system is usually the main database and, from this, other databases extract their data such as timetable systems. Accelerus, in turn, has most of its data imported from these sources.

Therefore, some, if not most, coding systems you use in Accelerus will be inherited from these other systems. For example, teachers and students are often extracted from the school's administration system where they will have been assigned a code. Other records may be coded through your timetable package, eg subject and class records.

Accelerus relies on these being consistently and well-coded for its purposes. However, often the coding that has been set up in a school, eg in a timetable system, may not be extensive enough for a database such as Accelerus which will be the historical repository of all of the results stored at the school for all students.

Accelerus data needs to be organised in a way that it can be maintained for the life of the database, not just for a report run. Every year you do not change teacher codes, for example, and in order for data from one cycle to be used as the basis for setting up others, there needs to be consistency.

Further, Accelerus is not only used to assess the students and produce reports for the current report run. It is used to analyse the data, make comparisons across subjects, learning areas, years, etc. These comparisons and analyses cannot be made easily if there is no consistency. For example, how can all subjects in the Arts be extracted if there is nothing to easily identify them as belonging to the Arts?

Therefore, when setting up Accelerus, you should spend time thinking about how best to code your records, particularly subjects, classes and assessment items.


minusImplications of changing codes

Every entity has a code and every code may be changed if required. Accelerus will ensure that all of the related records in the database are automatically updated. For example, if you change the code of a teacher, all references to the teacher will be updated in all class, subjects, cohorts, etc, throughout the database.

However, there are implications to changing some codes.

If you change your subject codes this cycle, you will not be able to:
Use the Rollover window in Accelerus to copy over the subjects from the previous year or any of the classes or assessment items that belong to the subjects.
Copy any of the report run parameters via the Report Run Copy window.

In this case, you should do all of your copying over with the old subject codes and then make changes to the codes.



Schools in the Victorian Catholic and Government sectors should also be aware that they should not change their subject codes until they have used the Quick Setup Copy window to copy over the Quick Setup subjects and selections from previous semesters.


When changing assessment item codes, any templates that use these codes will display auto-text errors.

They will need to be refreshed, the old fields deleted and the new reinserted.



Care must be taken when using the Bulk Code Change window to change assessment item codes. All instances of the code in all subjects will be changed if you proceed with the import, unless you exclude individual subjects.


Analyses often include selections based on subject and assessment item codes and, therefore, these will need to be modified to reflect the new codes.


If a teacher's code is changed, this does not automatically change the teacher's Accelerus password. This will remain set to whatever it was prior to the change of the code.

The automatic assigning of the password based on the teacher's code only occurs when a teacher is first added to the database or when the database is first converted from MarkBook to Accelerus.


minusChanging codes in bulk

The Bulk Code Change window, accessed via the Tools menu, allows you to import a CSV file containing code changes for most entity types, eg students, teachers, subjects, etc.


For each type of entity where records need to have their codes changed, you must prepare a CSV file. In all cases, the file only needs to have two columns:

Old Code
New Code

Ent BulkCodeCSV

The example CSV file above contains subject codes. The old codes contain a numeric suffix, whereas the new ones do not. Making these types of changes in Microsoft Excel is easy, eg removing a suffix or prefix.

All of the standard CSV file procedures that apply when importing data into Accelerus at the beginning of academic cycles, also apply when importing a CSV file for bulk code changing purposes.



Schools that have their subjects assigned to annual cycles, even though the subjects only ran for a semester or term, often add a suffix to indicate a particular semester or term. Schools that converted to Accelerus from MarkBook often have this schema. Instead, subjects can be moved to semester or term cycles and no longer need the suffix because the cycle they belong to already distinguishes them from their equivalent subject in the next semester or term. The Bulk Code Change window is a handy tool for such schools to use when moving subjects to subcycles of the annual academic cycle.


To change codes in your database in bulk:

Ensure you understand the implications of changing codes, especially if you want to rollover data from previous cycles.
Take a backup of your database.
Prepare CSV files for code changing, in the correct format.
Select the academic cycles of the records to be changed.
Go to Tools > Bulk Code Change.
Click the option button for the type of entity you are changing.

Ent BulkCodeStep1

In the Filename field:
Enter the full path and name of the CSV file containing the code changes.


Click the Browse button to select the required file from the Select window that is displayed.


Accept the default file, if displayed, this being the last CSV file for the entity type imported through this window.

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Click the Preprocess button and wait while the preprocess phase compares the data in the CSV file with that in the database.

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In the preprocess pane:
Carefully check the issues, errors and warnings that are reported, clicking open the issue headers to check the details of the individual records.

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If required, for any issue type, in the Action field, click the dropdown arrow to choose another option to the default, to apply to all records under that issue.


Change the action for any individual record listed, in which case the action for the issue will change to Individually Specified.

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It is highly recommended that issues are fixed in the CSV file rather than selecting many different actions as a means to fixing the data.

If you want a print out of particular issues, eg to check out or fix any anomalies or unexpected issues:
®Close any issue types you don't need details of.
®Open the issues whose details you want to print.
®Click the Print button.
®From the Preview window, print the listing.

Ent BulkCodeStep7

Where there are errors, return to the CSV file and fix the problems therein, before coming back to the Import CSV Files window and preprocessing the file again.
Continue preprocessing and fixing data in the CSV file until the data can be imported without problems.


Do not proceed with the import unless you have fixed all errors and know exactly why different issues arose. If you proceed, the errors are likely to be compounded as you import further CSV files. For example, errors in the teacher file may impinge on all other imports, those in a subject file on classes and enrolments, and so forth.

Click the Import button.

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Wait while the data is imported and the codes are changed, clicking OK at the completion message.

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