For the Technician |
Accelerus may be installed and run in different ways at a school, and a school's technical staff need to have an overview of the different options and ensure it is deployed in the way required by the school.
To begin with, the Accelerus suite is made up of the main Accelerus program, an Accelerus Web program and several other management components.
Accelerus administrators must always set up and work directly on the school’s database, using the Accelerus program. Teachers may enter results for their students directly into the database or can collect and work on their classes in offline files. In either case, the same Accelerus program is used. However, different permission levels are assigned to different roles, restricting the data and processes accessible to them.
If teachers are working on offline files, synchroniser components must be installed on one computer that will host the synchronisation of the offline files with the Accelerus database.
In addition, a school may wish to allow teachers to enter their class results via a web browser. In this case, the Accelerus Web program must be used for installation on the computer hosting the web service.
Another issue of significance to technical staff is whether Accelerus is to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Active Directory, so that a teacher's school Windows login also applies when logging into Accelerus.
Accelerus may be installed as:
The table below summarises the available Accelerus programs, whether they are installed from a management or standard installation, and the primary uses of the program. The appropriate components are installed on different computers, depending on the way you are running Accelerus at your school.
Accelerus requires each user to login, with a user name and password, whether into the database or an offline file. By default, the login system in Accelerus assigns the teacher's code, as set up in the Accelerus database, as their user name. The password, by default, when a teacher is added to the Accelerus database, or when a database has been converted from MarkBook, is also their teacher code. However, alternative login options are available to a school. Where a school is using Microsoft Active Directory, Accelerus can be configured to integrate with this. There are a series of settings in the School Settings window in Accelerus that must be activated, allowing schools to determine the level of integration, if any. For example, a school may decide that a teacher's Active Directory login is used exclusively and the teacher is never prompted to login to Accelerus separately. On the other hand, teachers may be required to login to Accelerus separately using either their Accelerus login details or their Active Directory user name and password.