Creating a New Database

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If your school is new to Accelerus, you will need to create a database to use at your school. You should only have the one database and this same database continues to be used year after year. You do not create a new database every academic cycle.

To create your Accelerus database:

Run Accelerus and click the Database Utilities button in the Login window.


Go to the Start menu, select Accelerus and then Database Utilities.
Click the Create Database option in the Database Utilities window.

DBUtil CreateDB

In the Create Database window, select the required Database format option from the dropdown list, ie to create a new Access or SQL Server database.
If creating an Access database:
In the File Name field, click the Browse button to bring up a Save as window from which you select the location and enter a name for the database to be created.
Click the Save button in the Save as window, and the path and name of the database will be inserted in the File Name field.

DBUtil CreateFileName

In the case of an SQL Server database, you must:
Enter the name of the SQL Server.
Enter the database name and path for the new database.

The path is the physical path of the database on the server, eg C:\Accelerus\...

Click one of the security options and, in the case of SQL Server authentication:
®Enter the SQL user name and password.
®Optionally check the box Remember SQL credentials, useful if all at the school are using the same SQL user name and password.

DBUtil CreateSqlDbSQLAuthentication

The activation details of the school should appear automatically if a management installation was carried out on the computer.

If they do not, you will need to insert them exactly as found in the AccelerusDatabase.lic file that you have been supplied.

In the Accelerus administrator teacher details section:
Enter the code of the teacher or member of staff who is to be the main Accelerus Administrator.

If this is a teacher who will already have a code, make sure that this same code is used.

Enter the Given Name and Family Name of the teacher.
Enter a secure password and retype the password in the Confirm Password field.

Note that the teacher code and password are case sensitive.

DBUtil CreateDBTeacherDetails

Click the Create button and wait while the database is created.
At the completion message, if you ran Database Utilities from the Accelerus Login window, click the Yes button to open the database, logged in as the Accelerus administrator.

DBUtil CreateDBDone

Otherwise, exit Database Utilities and run Accelerus to log in.