Your School's Accelerus Setup

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Accelerus may be run in different ways at different schools; each school needs to be aware of what their options are and how they want to set up and run Accelerus.

The most common methods of deployment are set out below but, in all cases, designated Accelerus administrators have access to and work directly in the Accelerus database.

1.Teachers predominantly work on offline files stored on their laptops, the network or memory sticks.

All or some teachers may be working directly in the Accelerus database. This might be subject and cohort coordinators accessing their own subject, cohort and class data in the database and/or teachers working on their own class results.

2.All teachers, whatever their role, work directly in the database using the Accelerus program.
3.Class teachers work directly in the database using a web browser.

Other users, eg Subject or Year Level Coordinators may also be working directly in the database using Accelerus Web or the Accelerus program.



A school may use a combination of the above, eg some teachers work via a web browser and others collect and work on offline files, etc.

Choose the method/s you intend to use and refer to the appropriate column in the table below.

* indicates that the component is optional

Which computer?

Which method?

1. Teachers using offline files

2. Teachers work in database

3. Teachers use web

Accelerus administrators

Management installation of:

Database Utilities
Synchroniser Remote Control*

Management installation of:

Database Utilities

Management installation of:

Database Utilities

Need AccelerusDatabase.lic file

Need AccelerusDatabase.lic file

Need AccelerusDatabase.lic file

Synchroniser computer or server – where running Synchroniser as a service

Management installation of:

Synchroniser Service
Synchroniser Remote Control
Database Utilities*

Need AccelerusDatabase.lic file

Not applicable

Not applicable

Teachers’ computers, being used for class assessments only

Standard installation of Accelerus only

Do not need to put database path in Setup.ini, but put the synchroniser address in Setup.ini

Standard installation of Accelerus only

Put database path in Setup.ini

Ensure database is accessible to these teachers on the network

Not applicable – teachers use a web browser

Need Setup.ini file

Need Setup.ini file

Teachers’ computers where used by teachers such as subject or cohort coordinators

Standard installation of Accelerus only

Put database path and synchroniser address in Setup.ini

Ensure database is accessible to these teachers on the network

Standard installation of Accelerus only

Put database path in Setup.ini

Ensure database is accessible to these teachers on the network

Standard installation of Accelerus only

Put database path in Setup.ini

Ensure database is accessible to these teachers on the network.

Need Setup.ini file

Need Setup.ini file

Need Setup.ini file

Web server

Not applicable

Not applicable

Install Accelerus website or Goals Management System, using the appropriate Accelerus web installer

Follow instructions for Windows Server 2008 or 2012.