Merging Comment Banks

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Not only may you import comment banks that are in either a MarkBook comment database format or a CSV files to create a new comment bank, you may merge both of these types of comment banks into an already-existing Accelerus comment bank.Com Merge1

The merge process will add any new categories and values, and the comments for all of these new categories and values.

Where the existing Accelerus comment bank already contains matching categories and values, these will not be added, but any comments that are different to the existing ones for the same category and value will be added.

As shown here, the Homework category already existed and had two values - Satisfactory and Needs Improvement. After the merge process, three additional values of High, Medium and Low have been added, together with their comments. No changes have been made to the original two values.

In addition, several categories of comments have been added, including Application, Assignments, Cooperation, etc.

To merge into an existing comment bank:

Open the teacher or school comment bank in the Comment Bank window into which you want to merge other comments.

Use any of the methods to open a comment bank available, eg via the Comment Bank Explorer brought up from the Welcome Screen’s Comment bank explorer icon.

Go to the Comment Bank menu, and select the required merge option, depending on whether you are merging a MarkBook comment database (cdb file) or a CSV file of comments.

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In the Merge window, find the location and the comment file that you want to import, and click the Open button.

The comments will be merged and displayed in the Comment Bank window, with additional categories being added to the bottom of the existing categories.

Make any changes to the merged comments, eg change any category or value names, delete unwanted comments, etc.
Click the Save icon or press Ctrl S to save the merged comments into the existing comment bank in the Accelerus database or offline file, as the case may be.