Role Types

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There are four types of roles that may be defined in the Security window accessed via the Tools menu in Accelerus, determining the extent of the access users assigned to the roles may have.


minusSchool roles

The first of the role types that may be set up in the Security window are school level roles. These allow those assigned to them to have access to data across the school.

When a new Accelerus database is created, an administrator must be nominated, and this person is automatically assigned to a school role called Administrator when the database is created.

This person and all others who are the Accelerus administrators have school roles, including the permission Administer System which should be restricted to these users. As shown below, three teachers have been assigned to the Administrator role.

The Administer System permission allows them full access to the system-wide functions found in the Tools menu, including the School Settings and Security windows, import and export data, and add teachers.

Set SecuritySchoolRole

Other school roles may be defined where access is restricted to a subset of school-wide functions - while the whole database may be available to them, they are restricted in the available processes that may be performed on the data. For example, whereas the Accelerus administrators may be able to create and delete all types of records, a school principal or vice-principal role may only allow records and results to be viewed.

You may create as many school level roles as required, each having a different combination of permissions activated.

In addition, you may assign as many different teachers to each school role, as required.

Examples of the sorts of roles that may be school level ones include:

A proofreader role where the person may view and modify results.
An Executive role for the principal, vice principal or other teachers with an executive role who need to be able to view all records.
Administrators who are assisting the main administrator, carrying out day to day data maintenance tasks.
An All Teachers role to which all teachers are added, with View Results permissions, in order to allow them to view results of all students, even if not taught by them.

School roles are defined and assigned to teachers within the Security window, unlike all of the other types of roles which are assigned via the appropriate record, eg class teachers via the class record.



An administrator who has Administer System permissions may not remove that permission from their role. Also, they cannot remove themselves from this role. Another person with this permission must do so, if they need to be removed.


minusSubject roles

In the Subject Roles tab, each school defines the roles that apply at the subject level, if any. When a user who has been assigned a subject role logs into the Accelerus database, they will have access to the subjects and associated classes to which they are assigned a subject role. These subjects will appear in the Welcome Screen and they can be opened from there. If the role has sufficient privileges, they may be able to modify all of the data for their subjects and classes.

Multiple subject roles may be defined. For example, one subject role may allow a subject coordinator to modify assessment items but not modify results; another subject role may allow a year level coordinator to view results and modify enrolments but not modify assessment items or results and so forth.

The range of permissions for subject roles is much more constrained than those at the school level, as only subject-related permissions are allowed.

When you are adding a new subject role, the permissions that are assigned automatically are the most typical permissions for a subject role, but each school may modify these, according to its own requirements.

Set SecuritySubjectRoles

Where more than one person needs to be assigned subject level privileges to the same subjects, you must create multiple subject roles, ie only one person may be assigned to each subject role.

The subject roles created in this tab appear in the subject records. Teachers may be assigned to these roles directly in the subject window or imported via a CSV file of subject records.

Set SecuritySubjectCoordField



Those with a subject role must be logged directly into the Accelerus database in order to be able to access their subject records. Their subjects do not appear in offline files.



Those with a subject role have access to all of the results of the students enrolled in classes of the subject, in exactly the same way as a class teachers has, with results grid and single student view being available to them. This makes for easy viewing and modification of results across the subject. Consider creating subject level roles for those at the school who may need this type of access for particular subjects. For example, if year level coordinators play a key role in overseeing results for the students in subjects at their year level, create a subject level role, eg Year Coordinator. Then, assign all the subjects in a particular subject level to the appropriate year coordinator.

This is not necessary for those who need access to all subjects; they should have a school role defined for them.


minusClass roles

The Class Roles tab determines the roles of those who have access and permissions at the class level, ie the class teachers.

Set SecurityClassRoles

More than one teacher role may be created, eg when two teachers are sharing the teaching of a class, or if there is a teacher and a teacher's aide who assist with assessment.

As shown above, two class roles have been set up: Teacher 1 and Teacher 2.

When you are adding a new class role, the permissions available are restricted to those that apply just to classes of a teacher. The permissions that are ticked by default are the most typical permissions for a class role, but each school may modify these, if required.

The class roles you create will appear in each class record. Teachers may be assigned to these roles directly in the class window or imported via a CSV file of class records.

Set SecurityClassTeacherFields



If more than one teacher needs to be assigned to a class, it is necessary to define two differently named roles at the class level, even if the roles have the exact same privileges, ie you cannot have two teachers in the one role for the same class.
The last three permissions that may be assigned to teachers are available to them in their offline files, as well as when working directly in the Accelerus database, including when using Accelerus Web. However, in order to administer classes and enrolments, the first two permissions, teachers must be logged into the database.


minusCohort roles

In the Security window, a Cohort tab will appear for each cohort type defined in the School Settings window. As shown below, there are two cohort tabs - Year Level and Home Group Roles.

In each cohort type's tab, roles are created that apply to the particular cohort, eg Year Level Coordinator, Home Group Teacher. More than one role may be created for each cohort, if access to a particular cohort is required by more than one teacher. In this case, even if the permissions required by the two or more teachers are identical, you must define a new role with a different code and name. Only one teacher may be assigned to each cohort role.

Set SecurityCohortRoles

Each cohort type's record window will display the roles defined for the particular cohort type. Teachers may then be assigned to these roles directly in the appropriate cohort group window or imported via a CSV file of cohort records.

Set SecurityCohortRoleFields

Cohort roles limit the access of teachers to the students of the cohorts they oversee, and only when they are directly logged into the Accelerus database. A teacher's cohort groups are not available in offline files or via Accelerus Web.

When a teacher with a cohort role logs into the Accelerus database, a Cohort section will appear, listing the roles and the cohort groups that apply to each role. For example, a teacher may be a year level coordinator and a home group teacher, for a particular year level and home group. Therefore, these cohort groups will be displayed under their applicable roles.

Because students in a cohort can be enrolled in any combination of classes, it is not possible to view or modify student results via a standard class or subject results window. The student's results may only be accessed via the cohort record by opening each student individually and opening their results in a single student view screen therein.



In some cases, access to cohorts may be better assigned under a subject role, so that there is easier access to all of the results of the students. For example, if year level coordinators need to be able to modify and view results of all of the students in subjects at their year level, create a subject level role of Year Coordinator, and assign all the subjects in a particular subject level to the appropriate year coordinator.